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Through Music

Our Triangle

Oh tell us what this life would be,

If it were not for Song.

For Music soothes the troubled heart, and makes our courage strong.

But sad would all our Music be if we knew not a friend.

Our lives would very lonely be,

Our cares would never end.

With Music, Friends and Harmony

Our lives are filled with power.

As Music sends us on our paths,

and brightens every hour

Mu Phi, Mu Phi,

Mu Phi Epsilon!

Mu Phi Epsilon supports music and the arts within the surrounding communities through music-based events.  We seek to promote high levels of scholarship, musicianship, and friendship not only within our organization, but throughout all aspects of our daily life.  Through our musical studies, we aim to better ourselves and the world around us.

If you would like to work with our members towards this goal, please contact!

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